On December 17, 1999, the UN General Assembly declared November 25 as the International Day against Violence against Women, inviting governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations to organize this day activities aimed at raising awareness among women. public opinion regarding the problem of violence against women.
No woman should suffer any manifestation of discrimination or inequality or be a victim of any power relationship of a man over her. Because any human being, regardless of gender or condition, has the full right to a dignified and happy life, away from any type of physical or psychological violence.
In the 2021 edition, the INAI / NABI (Government of Navarre) has focused the message on the Comprehensive Care Teams for victims of violence against women, a network for recovery.
If you feel alone and without a way out, the Comprehensive Care Teams are by your side to help you open the door to a better life.
From Exkal, we continue and will continue to combat the situations of injustice that surround us and support those who need it.