Our sustainable way and evolution as a growing company, encouraged us in the challenge of a new metamorphosis to be an Industry 4.0. In order to provide a better service to our clients, we are investing and implementing technologies and processes of the fourth industrial revolution, as the last generation intelligent production systems, software and analysis apps,  that allows us to transform the large amount of information generated by our intelligent factory in a higher value for the clients.



ELEMENTS = Digitization for the productivity, growth and continuous improvement:

  • Intelligent production tools
  • Information and communication technology (ICT)
  • Internet of things (IOT)
  • Cyber-physical systems
  • Communication network
  • Simulation
  • Big Data systems

CLIENT FOCUS = Maximizing the continuous improvement by:

  • Value 4.0
  • More flexibility
  • Faster and higher response capacity
  • Continuous computerized tests to ensure the highest quality
  • Big data solutions, based on the data collection and analysis, searching for repetitive patterns