“There are two types of companies: those that change and those that die”. That was the topic of the Tudela Capital event attended by Daniel Antoñanzas, CEO of EXKAL. They discussed about the challenge of facing the taking over R&D&I, as well as the few companies that manage to keep their business afloat after the first and second generations. Innovation is extremely important. The people who contribute to it and the competitive differentials with the greatest potential are essential for the business running smoothly. For Daniel Antoñanzas, change means: “continuous, transversal, disruptive and accelerated”. He also adds that: “Competitive differentials will make us sustainable for the fifth generation to be viable”.
Indeed, family businesses face a double challenge: to ensure their survival and relevance over time without giving up the founding spirit of the organisation. We live in a changing world, in which creativity must be one of the priorities when generating disruptive products and services. The employees are the main stakeholder, they are the ones who make the company valuable.
Thanks to all these elements EXKAL manages to be an entrepreneurial company, open to change, adaptive and with a high desire to improve without losing the main essence of the family business.