Solidarity Challenge

Exkal participates in the Solidarity Challenge: a for 1 million kilometers.

Fundación Diario de Navarra and Obra Social ‘la Caixa’ launch the challenge that promotes healthy habits and solidarity.

Kick off and running. The third edition of the Solidarity Challenge, an initiative organized by the Diario de Navarra Foundation and Obra Social ‘la Caixa’, in collaboration with Mutua Navarra and the Medical Association, took its first steps on Thursday. This year the challenge is ambitious, from Guinness. It’s about overcoming one million kilometers in a period of 18 weeks, between May 17 and September 21. In this time all the steps add up, whether walking, running, swimming, cycling or skating.
Representatives of the 17 companies that participate in this challenge, some new and other repeat offenders; of 17 municipalities, which also encourage physical activity among their neighbors; and of the 17 social organizations that benefited from the donations, met at the Diario de Navarra facilities to participate in its implementation.
“Two years ago, it seemed like a real challenge to ask the Navarrese to add as many kilometers as they need to travel around the Earth: 40,000 kilometers. Today, two years later, we set ourselves a much higher challenge: 1 million kilometers, “said Virgilio Sagüés, president of La Información and the Diario de Navarra Foundation.
And what began in the spring of 2016 as a competitive league between companies of eight weeks with a solidarity goal has grown as much as the participants and kilometers traveled. Sagüés wanted to thank the participation of the companies that, altruistically, collaborate contributing a quantity of money and also to put that money in the hands of the workers and the whole society so that they decide the destiny of the funds. He also highlighted the incorporation of Caixabank and Obra Social ‘la Caixa’ in 2017. “It’s about making the Diario de Navarra Foundation slogan come true, which says that together we can do bigger things,” he said. Ana Díez Fontana, territorial director of CaixaBank, highlighted the dual objective of this initiative: to promote the healthy life of Navarre and, on the other hand, that this healthy life is translated into donations for social entities.